Weathering a Hurricane: How to Build a Stronger Roof

POSTED ON: December 1, 2020

While there is no true hurricane proofing a roof or home, certain designs can significantly reduce potential damage in hurricane-prone areas like Lafayette, LA. Hipped roofs, for instance, are more aerodynamic and less susceptible to wind damage compared to gabled roofs. However, if your dream home in Lafayette, LA must feature a gabled roof, consider enhancing its resilience by using more secure bracing methods than those typically employed. New constructions can benefit from incorporating lateral bracing, structural panels under the joists, and other reinforcements.

Moderately pitched roofs, with a ratio between 3:12 and 6:12, perform better than steep or low-pitched roofs as they distribute wind loads more effectively. For example, one-story homes with roof pitches between 6:12 and 12:12 can be treated aerodynamically similar to two-story homes, thus reducing wind damage risks. However, larger roof overhangs pose additional challenges; overhangs extending more than 2 feet must be engineered specifically to mitigate uplift from strong winds.

The materials used in the roof’s construction play a crucial role in its durability. From the decking to the shingles, each layer matters. Thicker plywood, ranging from 7/16 to 19/32 inches, provides greater stability and is more effective when nailed rather than stapled. Specialized hurricane nails are also recommended for added strength. At the junction where the roof meets the walls, hurricane straps offer superior protection over clips. In coastal areas, corrosion-resistant straps and connectors are essential to withstand uplift loads. Additionally, the roofing material itself should be chosen for its wind and impact resistance ratings; in hurricane-prone areas, opting for the highest rated materials available is advisable to ensure maximum protection.

Implementing these hurricane proofing strategies won’t make your home invulnerable, but they can significantly improve its resilience against severe weather. Investing in robust roof design and materials now can prevent costly repairs and provide peace of mind when the next storm approaches.